The time waster / Week 37

A little under a month ago I started school again, and with that comes schoolwork. Tests, homework, presentations, group work and 40 pages on The French Revolution that should be read by tomorrow. Don't misunderstand, I am a person who likes to do well at school and I always hand in everything on time. However, when you have work to do, distractions follow. It's a universal law, just like gravity. (I totally did not just say that to justify me writing this post instead of reading History at the moment, btw.) Here are some of my favorite things to focus on when I should be focusing on schoolwork.

Watching dance videos on YouTube, maybe it's just because I used to dance, but watching ridiculously fit people do incredible things with their bodies to beautiful music just seems to be a never ending source of entertainment for me. My favorite videos are the ones from The Royal Ballet, a world famous ballet company in London. And yes, I do like SYTYCD videos as much as the next person. My favorite dancers include Edward Watson, Steven McRae, Sarah Lamb, Sergei Polunin and Marianela Núñez. 

Orphan Black. Seriously, if you have not watched this show, DO! It's such an intense show with amazing actors and such an incredible plot. Especially the lead actress is nothing short of brilliant. I won't reveal to much, but if anything watch the trailer for the show. And if you watch the first episode, I'll promise you that you will not stop there. There's only ten episodes out so far of the first season, but I believe a second season is coming up. I might end up writing an entire post dedicated to this show, it's that good.

Other things I love wasting my time on this week when it could be better spent elsewhere, is watching essiebutton on YouTube, obsessively listening to The Civil Wars (especially the live performances, oh my they're great!) and Tom Odell

The photos in this post is taken from other sources, therefore they are not mine.

What are some of your favorite things to do your time on when you're supposed to be doing something else?
Did I mention anything familiar?


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I'm the writer of this blog, a girl who loves a bit of everything. I love Chai Latte and Franz Kafka, but I also know almost every Taylor Swift song there is. I'm not british or american, but I lived a year in England last year.